Friday Sep 10, 2021
Alternative Visions - What’s A Socialist America, Part 1
Friday Sep 10, 2021
Friday Sep 10, 2021
Dr. Rasmus starts the show with a short commentary on Biden’s just announced mandate yesterday requiring businesses to vaccinate their workers. What’s the economics behind the announcement, reasons and economic consequences of the announcement. Thereafter, the rest of the show addresses the topic: ‘What Would a Socialist America’ look like? Many listeners and readers of Dr. Rasmus’s blog have asked him to comment on that topic. So today’s show begins that discussion, focusing on what a Socialist Economy would have to look like in order to establish the foundation for a Socialist America. The emphasis today is on what fundamental changes to economic institutions, class relationships, and economic policies are required to establish a Socialist Economy. Subsequent shows on ‘What’s A Socialist America’ will address basic changes required in the country’s political system, social structure, and even culture.