Friday Sep 04, 2020
Alternative Visions - Labor Day in the Era of Covid
Friday Sep 04, 2020
Friday Sep 04, 2020
Today’s show focuses on the condition of American Labor and Unions in the era of Covid. What’s the status of jobs, wages, benefits, union membership today, Labor Day 2020, after 6 months of Covid 19? The first part of the show dissects the August 2020 Employment Report just released this morning. What’s wrong with the statistics and paint a rosier picture of the actual condition of jobs. Why 1.37m jobs created last month are really much less, and those created mostly temp and part time and thus at a much lower wage. Why the number of jobless are actually still 35m and likely much more and rising per recent unemployment claims filings. Why official and media data consistently cherry pick the best numbers to report. For the period February thru August the bigger picture for workers jobs and wages. Why a second wave of permanent further job loss is now emerging. Check out Dr. Rasmus forthcoming article, ‘American Labor in the Age of Covid 19’ posted this Sunday on his blog, jackrasmus.com.